
Blackout: Journey into Darkness

Created by Richard T. Broadwater

Blackout is a post-apocalyptic miniatures game set in the Northern Wastes. Blackout offers solo and co-op play for 1-4 players.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Update
over 8 years ago – Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 11:34:13 PM

Hello, I wanted to let everyone know that all game components are print ready.  



I've included the sheets that the factory uses for card amounts as well as the numbers of counter that will be included in the punch out sheet that are included in the game. There is also a view of the rear of the box as well since that is a new image.  

At this point, the factory can create the final sample and once that is complete that will give me the final production and shipment schedule I can share with all of you. I've take photos of course and share those as well.  

Once production starts, I will begin finalizing the expansion and will share that outline with you as it evolves over the next 3 months.  

For anyone that wishes to change their address on Backerkit you are welcome to do that at any point. There will be extra copies left over and will share how may are left at the end of the year.  

I thank you again for your patience

August Update
over 8 years ago – Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 12:07:12 AM

Hello, I wanted to update everyone on Blackout:

The final miniatures are in China and being fitted for production  

All pledge based content has been added into the core game and the final map has been created.  

The rear of the box has been redesigned to show all miniatures within and an example of each card, room, hall and counter type.

All cards are rules have gone through an editing pass. Once I implement the editor's changes, I will submit all digital files and production begins! Now that everything is complete production can begin.  

Thank you all for your patience and support. My next update will contain the rear of the box and sheets showing all game components.

June Update: Blackout Rulebook is complete!
over 8 years ago – Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 01:02:28 AM

I wanted to write and let everyone know that the rulebook is complete! It is divided into Introduction, Components, Rules, Gameplay Examples, Background and Advanced Rules. The final book is over 40 pages and the Mission Log book is another 26 pages. I've included a few examples here for you all to see.  









(The pages shown here have yet to be edited)

Since the last update, I did make a few gameplay tweaks.  

Searching Debris: This was done by rolling 2 D10 and consulting a chart each time one of the player searched debris. This worked fine but was time consuming and required each person to stop and look at the lookup table. I have replaced this with a single 6 sided 6 containing icons for each of the item decks. Now, all a player needs to do is roll the die and pick a card from the appropriate deck.  

Revealing areas of the map: Previously, anytime a player moved to the edge of a section of hall or junction they would draw a map card and place the right piece down. I have changed the mechanic to require an explore action to determine exactly when a section of hall is placed. This creates a more concrete method of determining placement of tile pieces.  

I will be having one final test to give the rulebooks to a group without any instruction to make sure I have not missed anything. Once that session is complete and I make any minor adjustments, and finalize all backer reward tiers that are designed around NPC characters and the Northern Wastes map. That is all that remains.  

Thank you again for your patience!

Blackout- Late April Update
over 8 years ago – Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 12:45:34 AM

Blackout Late April Update  

Hello everyone, quick update!

I am currently placing all images and creating diagrams for the rulebook. All testing and images for all components are complete as stated in the previous update, with only the rulebook remaining.

Once the rulebook is complete, the last thing I have to do is add the backer influenced map names and NPC names to the Mission Log, Event card and Northern Wastes map. Many of you have already contacted me and sent this information over. For the few backers that have not, please send the your information to [email protected].

For the Map/Regon backers: please send your the last name that will be used to construct the town or geographic region and specify whether or you wish you name to be used in the Town sense or Geographic sense.

For NPC backers: please send first and last name and any visual description that could be helpful. Also, specific whether or not you wish to be mentioned as living or dead and any other info that may be helpful such as nicknames, scars, wounds or tattoos.

Finally, all rules, logbooks and cards will be passed over to the editor before all files are sent to the factory.

Thank you all and for anyone that has written with any questions, I will be getting back to answering email soon enough.

Blackout: April Update
almost 9 years ago – Sun, Apr 03, 2016 at 03:44:39 PM

Early April Update:  

Hello, I wanted to let everyone know that all testing is complete and the final rule book layout is underway. Once I have it complete, I will share a few of the pages in the next update.

Final 3D prints!

All core game miniatures have been printed and sent to the factory. You can see them here. I am very please by the final prints. The detail is superb.

That is all for now, I will return in a few weeks with the final rule book images and Add On 3D prints to share. Once we hit that stage, all is complete and ready for production. 

For those of you that pledged for Town names or NPC characters, I have already implemented many of those. For anyone that has not sent their information, please send it to [email protected].
