Blackout March Update
almost 9 years ago
– Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 12:08:51 AM
Hello everyone. I wanted to send out a quick update regarding production.
Testing is in the very final stages and will undergo 2 more weeks this month and that is it. This is being done for final balancing for costs of all weapons, armor, items and upgrades. The last two months have been invaluable for improving the core game.
Infected Wildlife:
As you can see the final infected wildlife miniatures are finally complete! This was the last element that was needed for the add-on pack.
The final rulebook layout is underway and is schedule to finish up at the end of March. I will begin posting rulebook examples at the end of the month.
Print Masters:
The core print master miniatures are complete and only waiting on the Devourer at this stage. He is taking longer because he is massive! These are the final prints that the factory will be using to make molds. I will share photos when they
I want to thank you all again. Once the print masters are sent, all digital files will be sent over to the factory at the end of the month (March) This means that I expect to have a final factory sample by May. Production would begin in June once the all final tweaks are made to the factory sample and I approval the final sample. We are still currently on schedule for November/December cargo arrival.
As always, please send any questions or comments to [email protected].
Late February Blackout Update
almost 9 years ago
– Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 06:22:21 PM
Hello everyone, I wanted to go over the process for finalizing Blackout
All core game miniatures are undergoing their final print and once complete will be sent directory to the factory for manufacturing.
Blackout is in the final weeks. I have two more groups going through portion of the campaign that need additional testing and will be locking all testing down early March.
Core game materials:
All counters, cards, play aid charts and board sections are final. There will be small tweaks at this point due to the final weeks of playtesting.
Add On's:
All map pieces, doors and additional miniatures are complete. I am only finalizing the Infected Wildlife miniatures; the Mountain Lion in particular. Everything else is good to go.
All post order content is now is locked down. All orders at this point are set so I let the factory know what numbers we will need. You are free to charge you address at any point. I will be sending out several reminders for people that move between now and the end of the year. If you wish to
That is it for the moment, once testing is final, I can move onto placing all game play images into the rulebook and send that off for editing. My hope is to have the core rules complete by the end of March.
I want to thank you all again and for those of you with map names that you will be submitting and NPC name's for inclusion in the Mission Log, I will be reaching out mid-march to gather than information.
Blackout: February Update
almost 9 years ago
– Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 09:45:00 PM
Hello, I wanted to let everyone know where we are in the process.
Counter Sheet is complete! (above are a few samples)
Mission Log images are complete! (11 total illustrations created solely for the Mission Log Book)
Exterior Tile sets are complete!
The only thing that I am waiting on currently is the final Infected Wolf and Infected Mountain Lion models.
Backerkit: Lock-down will occur end of day Wednesday (February 10) of this week. It apppears that almost all orders are in at this point. Charges will not begin from Backerkit until Friday of this week. It may take up to 5 days or more.
Rule book: I've begun the skeleton of the rule book and will continue adding to it as the game is tested.
Thanks and if you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]
Late January Update!
almost 9 years ago
– Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:16:41 PM
Late January Update!
Hello everyone, I wanted to a share a quick update on the development of Blackout!
Mission Log:
The Mission Log template is final at this point. Each mission will have an intro, mission structure breakdown, special rule section, outro and rewards for each mission in the Outlander Mission Log.
Exterior Tiles:
The final 6 board sections are complete and can be assemble to create a dried river bed with a dead forest on one bank and abandoned trailer on the other. They look fantastic and add a great deal to the game's tone and feel. These pieces can be mixed the other 6 board pieces in variety of different ways.
We are 2 weeks in and beginning Mission 04 of the campaign. This two man crew is laying wastes to hordes of Rathounds, NIghtgaunts and Lurkers and helping tweak and polish the overall flow and game mechanics. This process is necessary and only improves the core game. Once they have made their way to the end I will incorporate their feedback and begin with the next testing round up!
Backerkit: I will be locking down all orders at the end of the month to give the factory final numbers for all extra components that need to be created. I will send out a final reminder on Friday (January 29th) letting everyone know. The response so far has been excellent, we are at the 500 unit level which is exactly where we needed to be.
Thank you all again and remember if you have any questions or comments or want to submit art or writing for Blackout's quarterly digital newsletter send them to [email protected]
Blackout January Update!
about 9 years ago
– Sat, Jan 09, 2016 at 08:43:40 PM
Hello everyone, I wanted to share a quick progress update-
Exterior Tile Set: 6 of the 12 tiles are complete and look fantastic. Dmitry has already begun on the remaining pieces that make up a dried river bed, crumbling trailer and dead forest. My goal is to offer the best looking board that's ever been made for a dungeon crawler!
Mission Log Illustrations: 10 of the 11 illustrations have been roughed out and are going through a final polish pass based on feedback. Robin has done an amazing job thus far and will continue working on these images until the end of January.
Counters: All mission counters are in the final phase of rendering. These are being done by Leslie who did all the mini cards illustrations (weapons/ammo/armor/healing/salvage.) She will be done by the end of January as well.
Settlement Sheets and Travel between Missions: This is my focus at present. Reference sheets will provide all the information you need to sell anything brought back from the Black zones along with options to upgrade weapons, armor and companions as well as where to go to heal or replace spent ammo. There will be standard and advanced tables to fulfill this need. In addition, I am compiling a sheet that determines what happens to the player between missions when they return to the Settlements.
Testing: The final kit is ready to go! I will begin this week and run weekly tests until mid February. (The enemies shown here are brown so they can identified easier-I found that grey players and dark grey enemies in tests were difficult to identify so I colored them so if would be ease for new players to identify enemies)
The end of the January is the deadline for all remaining elements that were added to the core game. Once the exterior tile set, final doors, counters and Mission Illustrations are complete, I will then start rulebook layout. Once the rulebook is final, Blackout then starts production!
Again, I thank you for all the support and for those of you that have written with questions I am still catching up answering emails. If you need an fast answer from me please write to [email protected]