Backer Only Painting Videos!
about 9 years ago
– Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 02:49:10 PM
Hello everyone,
I wanted to send let everyone know that I would be doing an painting tutorial video just for backers on the contents of the core box. I will be using the factory examples that are sent over before the entire shipment leaves port for to create these videos. There will be two videos to start. The first will cover painting your Outlander team. The second will be painting the Brood.
I've included some examples of other miniatures I've painted over the years below to see what to expect.
Mission Log Art Samples!
about 9 years ago
– Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:17:36 PM
I wanted to send along a few of the art samples I spoke of that relate to the mission log. I will be picking an artist at the end of the week that will begin creating pieces to accompany the Missions Log book. These pieces will help establish the mood and tone of Blackout even further.
Using Backerkit Post Campaign
about 9 years ago
– Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 07:31:46 PM
Hello Backers,
This update is to explain Backerkit and how it works.
After the campaign ends your pledge is locked by Kickstarter and you are charged for your order.
Within a few days, an email will be sent to each of you from Backerkit. This email will contain a link to Backerkit. Please review your pledge level and address information. If your address changes before the game ships you will be able to edit the existing address to the new one. Backerkit will use this address information for all shipping services as well.
In addition, there will be a menu in Backerkit that will contain all possible add ons.
It will look something like this:
Once in Backerkit you can add items or use any credit that you have left over from pledging toward these items.
I created this mockup to show what kind of add on options you may have. Shipping will factored into each of the add on options. These add on products will all be produced at the same factory handling the core game so all production will be completed and ship out simultaneously. Once you have picked out each of the option you wish to add to you order you may save your order. Your credit card will not be charged until the order is saved. If for any reason you wish to alter your order to add or remove content after it is locked, contact me and I will unlock and update it for you. You cart locks after your order is finalized but your address info will not.
This list will change depending on the outcome of the campaign in its final hours. The products listed and pricing will change and only applies to content that is not unlocked after the campaign concludes.
For anyone concerned about using Backerkit , it is very easy to use and intuitive. This video demonstrates Backerkit in use.